Courage Confidence Character


(An Action Story about JGLWF)

As the story is read, players do the action described as the following words are read. Practice the motions first so everyone understands.

JULIETTE LOW                                     Join hands with persons on the right and left

SCOUT or SCOUTING                          Smile and give salute

WORLD                                                     Stand up, spin around once, and sit down

In 1912, Juliette Low became interested in Scouting while visiting her friends, Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, who lived in England and who started Boy Scouting and Girl Scouting in their part of the World.

When Juliette Low came back to America, she thought Scouting was so wonderful that she decided to start the first Girl Scout troop in her own home town of Savannah, Georgia. This she did on March 12th, 1912, and this first little troop of eight girls was the first Girl Scout troop in this part of the world.

This first Girl Scout troop was so successful that Juliette Low wanted to see Scout troops all over the world because she knew that Scouting would help girls all over the world to become friends and to help build world peace and good will.

Girl Scouting grew and grew until now you are not only a member of your own little troop but also a member of the Girl Scouts of America and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).

Juliette Low died in 1927 and her friends wanted to pay her a great tribute. They knew that her greatest dream was of World friendship and of World peace and that she hoped to accomplish this through Girl Scouting. So her friends started a memorial fund in her honor and called it the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund and each year all Scouts in the United States contribute to this Fund which helps Scouting all over the world.

Your contributions to this fund will travel to all parts of the world and help Scouts in many ways; maybe it will help send older Scouts from our country to Our Chalet in Switzerland, where Scouts from all over the world get together to exchange ideas and to help build world peace.

We have no way of knowing how far our contributions may travel; we have no way of knowing in what ways it may be returned to us in new friendships and world peace. But we do know that the Juliette Low World Friendship Fund is doing a lot of good.

We do know that we are helping the Fund to spread Girl Scouting around the world when we make our contributions to the Juliette Low  World Friendship Fund.



Toy Store Uproar  An audience participation skit, ideal for any large gathering!   Whenever these words are read, the group is to perform these motions and sounds:

When You Hear This                                                      Say or Do This

Doll                                                                        Bend forward at the waist and say ‘Wahhh”.

Jack-in-the-Box                                                                Stand up and say ‘boing”.

Bird                                                                        Put hands under armpits, flap ‘wings’ and say ‘Tweet-tweet”.

Train                                                                      Punch the air rhythmically and say ‘Choo-choo’ and ‘Chug’chug’.

Soldier                                                                  Stomp feet and say ‘March, march, march”.

The DOLL had seen it all. The absent-minded shopkeeper had really done it this time! He had closed up shop for the night and never locked the toy shop door! Now what would become of them – unprotected for a night! If someone decided to rob the store, none of the toys was safe. The DOLL knew something had to be done. But what?  She tried to get the attention of the SOLDIER. She inched her way to the very edge of the shelf. “Help,” cried the DOLL, but the SOLDIER never looked her way.  The cuckoo BIRD! A bit flighty perhaps, but nonetheless helpful. The DOLL called him, but the BIRD was so busy chirping out the hour, he never heard her.

By now, the DOLL had worked herself so near the edge of the shelf that when the JACK-IN-THE-BOX suddenly popped up, he frightened the poor DOLL who lost her balance and toppled off the shelf right into the engine car of the TRAIN. As she landed, she hit the throttle of the TRAIN, setting it in motion. As it rounded the first bend, the top of the TRAIN bumped into the JACK-IN-THE-BOX, knocking him off his shelf and into the next car of the TRAIN.

At the second bend, the JACK-IN-THE-BOX popped up when he was just beneath the SOLDIER. The startled SOLDIER fell head first into the BIRD. They both tumbled over and over each other – first the BIRD, then the SOLDIER, the BIRD, the SOLDIER, BIRD, SOLDIER – until they landed in the last car of the TRAIN.  The DOLL cried out in disbelief! What a horrible night this was turning out to be! A TRAIN pulling a DOLL, a JACK-IN-THE-BOX, a SOLDIER and a BIRD – all going round and round an unlocked toy shop in the middle of the night!

Just then, the door slowly opened. The DOLL held her breath. “Why, you naughty toys.” It was the absent-minded shopkeeper! “I came back because I realized I hadn’t locked the door, and what do I find – all of you playing after hours”!

Then the shopkeeper set the BIRD in the sentry box which belonged to the SOLDIER, the DOLL where the TRAIN belonged, the SOLDIER on the shelf where the DOLL usually sat, and the JACK-IN-THE-BOX in the clock where the BIRD was supposed to be.  “This is all wrong”, the shopkeeper said. So he put the BIRD in the TRAIN, the DOLL on top of the JACK-IN-THE-BOX, and the SOLDIER in the clock.  That can’t be right”, he squealed, and he put the DOLL in the TRAIN, the TRAIN in the clock, the BIRD in the sentry box and the SOLDIER in the JACK-IN-THE-BOX.  And when he saw the total confusion he created, he gave up. And so do I!

“Little Red Bandanna Hood”

Once upon a time there was a little girl named “Little Red Bandanna Hood”. She was called that because she always wore a red bandanna on her head when she was in the woods. This protected her from things falling out of the trees like bugs and tics, etc.

Little Red loved to go to visit her grandma who lived on the other side of the forest. She would often wrap up her lunch in a bandanna and eat on the way. Sometimes she found berries to take to grandma. She carried these in her bandanna tied to a stick.

On hot summer days, Little Red would stop by the creek. She would soak her bandanna and wipe her face with it to cool her off. Then she would place it around her neck to cool off her whole body.

In the winter when she had a cold, Little Red used her bandanna for a handkerchief. She knew all about using resources wisely. Instead of paper towels, she would dry her hands with her bandanna. She used it instead of a napkin. She used it as a washrag to clean her dishes (always remembering to wash it afterward).

One day, Little Red was on her way to visit Grandma who was ill. Unknown to her, the mean old wolf was there ahead of her, waiting to catch her. Little Red stopped to pick some flowers for Grandma. She wrapped them up in her damp bandanna to keep them fresh.

She knocked on the door. Grandma said, “Come in, dear.” (You know this part.) When the wolf jumped up to get her, Little Red wound up her bandanna, and gave him a swat right on the nose! He ran out the door, right into the woodsman, who made sure that the wolf would never bother Little Red again.

Little Red and the woodsman became good friends. They would dine in the forest, using the bandanna for a tablecloth. They had romantic dinners by candlelight. After some time, they got married.

In a couple of years, they had two wonderful children. Little Red and her woodsman entertained them with dancing dolls and jumping mice. Little Red even painted the back of her bandanna like a checkerboard so that the children would always have a game to play anywhere they went.


The Story of the Warm Fuzzies

Once upon a time, little people lived in a land called Stuocslrig. They were very happy people and seemed to live forever.

One of the things that made the little people of Stuocslrig different from other little people… like Lilliputians or Whos… was the fact that each of them carried a bag over one shoulder. These bags were filled with warm fuzzies. Whenever one Stuocslriger met another, instead of shaking hands, they would present one another with a warm fuzzie, it makes you feel warm inside and exchanging them made all the little people feel loved and happy.

Now outside the village in a cold, dark cave lived – – no, not a grinch, but a third cousin… a great, grim troll. He was feeling very lonesome and left out because he didn’t have any warm fuzzies. He didn’t realize the reason was that he never went to town. He just hated the Stuocslrigers for being happy all the time. One evening he decided he’d go to town and soon he met his first Stuocslriger. “Howdy do”, said the little person. “Have a warm fuzzie.” The troll stashed the warm fuzzie away and continued on his walk. He met several little people who added to his collection before he returned home.

Every day after that he went to town and returned to his cave with his daily catch of warm fuzzies. Soon there wasn’t a warm fuzzie left in Stuocslrig. The little people were very unhappy for they had nothing to share with each other anymore.

Deep in his cave, the troll had discovered a secret mine of Cold Pricklies. He had spent many years digging the Cold Pricklies out of the mountain, for he liked their cold and prickly feel and he loved to see his growing hoard of Cold Pricklies, to know that they were all his. He decided to share them with the Stuocslriger. He filled hundreds of bags with Cold Pricklies and took them into the village.

When the people saw the bags of Cold Pricklies, they were glad and they received them gratefully. Now they had something to give to one another. The only trouble was that it was just not as much fun to give a Cold Prickly as a Warm Fuzzy. Giving a Cold Prickly seemed to be a way of reaching out to another person, but not so much in friendship and love. And getting a Cold Prickly gave one a funny feeling too. You were not just sure what the giver meant, for after all, Cold Pricklies were cold and prickly. It was nice to get something from another person, but it left you confused and often with stung fingers. The usual thing a Stuocslrig said when he received a Warm Fuzzy was “Wow”, but when someone gave him a Cold Prickly there was usually nothing to say but “Ugh!.”

Now you would think the troll would be delighted with his cave filled with thousands of warm fuzzies, but he wasn’t. You see, he didn’t realize that the purpose was to share warm fuzzies, not hoard them. So after sitting and thinking, and thinking and sitting, he decided that he’d better get rid of all the fuzzies. He not only didn’t feel any better but it was also very crowded in his cave.

So he set out once again for the Town of Stuocslrig. He was bent over because his bag was so heavy. As he roamed through the town he began giving warm fuzzies away. A funny thing began to happen… the bag got noticeably lighter and so did his heart! Now he really felt happy. The Stuocslrigs were also happy to have their warm fuzzies back. As a matter of fact, they were so glad, they gave the troll his very own bag of warm fuzzies to share!

And they all lived happily ever after.

The Story of Juliette Low

This is an interactive story. Divide your group into eight (8). Assign one response to each group. When the narrator says the words that are emphasized, the group assigned to those words stands up and responds.

When You Hear This      Say or Do This

Little Girls                            Stand and giggle

Juliette Low                        Curtsey & say “Be My Friend”

Georgia                Say                         “Hey, You All”

Horses  Say                         “Neighhh”

London Sing                        “London Bridges Falling Down”

Lord Baden-Powell          Bow formally and say “How Do You Do”

Boy Scouts                          Make Scout sign, say “Be Prepared”

Girl Scouts                           Sing “Girl Scouts Together”

Once upon a time there was a little girl name Juliette Low who lived in Georgia and loved to ride horses. After she grew up she went to London where she met Lord Baden-Powell who founded the Boy Scouts. She was fascinated by the work he was doing. She studied with him awhile and decided to found a troop of Girl Scouts for her friends who liked to ride horses in Georgia. So Juliette Low said good-bye to the Boy Scouts in London and came home with the idea that Lord Baden-Powell gave her. She formed a group of little girls, who liked to ride horses and be together, into a troop of Girl Scouts. And they loved it so much that the idea spread and now there are troops all over the world. Aren’t we glad that a little girl named Juliette Low from Georgia who liked horses went to London and met Lord Baden-Powell, founder of the Boy Scouts, and came home to start the wonderful world of Girl Scouts!

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